Psych In Your World: Gender Schemas

By Kristie Campana

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The “Psych In Your World” video series features short lectures by psychology professors at Minnesota State University, Mankato on a range of topics connected to psychology. These videos were created as resources for teachers of psychology at all levels. We also provide discussion questions for each video for you to use with your students.

In this video, Dr. Kristie Campana introduces the concept of ‘schemas’, and how these help us organize information about our world. She specifically applies schemas to thinking about gender, and how schemas can contribute to gender-based stereotypes and assumptions.

As you watch this video, consider the following questions:

  • What assumptions about gender and gender roles do you hold?

  • Where did you learn these assumptions? Did your family, friends, or favorite media help to create specific assumptions about gender and gender roles?


This link provides more information about gender schema theory.

This episode of NPR’s Hidden Brain podcast provides more information about current research into gender roles and schemas.