Psych In Your World: Motivation

By Kristie Campana

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The “Psych In Your World” video series features short lectures by psychology professors at Minnesota State University, Mankato on a range of topics connected to psychology. These videos were created as resources for teachers of psychology at all levels. We also provide discussion questions for each video for you to use with your students.

In this video, industrial/organizational psychologist Dr. Kristie Campana talks about motivation.

As you watch the video, think about the following questions: 

  • Think about a situation in which you might want to motivate someone (for example, maybe you are working on a group project with classmates).  

    • What ways could you use goal setting and influence tactics to motivate this individual(s)?  

    • How would you take into account approach and avoidance motivation? 



This episode of the BBC's "All in the Mind" podcast is about the psychology of motivation and procrastination.  Is will power a good source of motivation? Why is being a chronic procrastinator bad for your health? Why we procrastinate and ways to stop. 

This lesson plan contains more discussion questions and activity ideas to go with this video.